- 第一屆歐洲杯(1960年):歐洲杯的第一屆比賽於1960年舉行,當時僅有四支國家隊參加,分別是前蘇聯、捷克斯洛伐克、法國和南斯拉夫。前蘇聯隊最終贏得了首屆冠軍。
- 從四支球隊到八支球隊(1972年):自1972年起,歐洲杯擴充為八支參賽隊伍。這樣的改變使得更多國家有機會參與這項頂級足球盛事,並增加了比賽的競爭性。
- 創建冠名贊助商(1980年):在1980年的歐洲杯中,首次引入了冠名贊助商,賽事正式更名為「UEFA歐洲國家盃」,這個名稱一直沿用至今。
- 聯合主辦(2000年):在2000年的歐洲杯中,比利時和荷蘭聯合主辦,這是首次將比賽場地設在兩個國家之間。
- 擴充到16支球隊(1996年):自1996年開始,歐洲杯再次擴充,參賽隊伍增加到16支。這一變化進一步提高了比賽的競爭性和觀賞性。
- 擴充到24支球隊(2016年):自2016年開始,歐洲杯再次進行擴充,參賽隊伍增加到24支。這一變化引起了一些爭議,但同時也為更多國家提供了參賽的機會。
- 延期舉辦(2020年):原定於2020年舉行的歐洲杯因全球新冠疫情的爆發而被迫延期至2021年。這是歷史上首次將歐洲杯的舉辦日期推遲。
- 首次在12個國家舉辦(2020年):2020年的歐洲杯將首次在12個不同的國家舉辦,包括英格蘭、德國、意大利、荷蘭、丹麥、愛爾蘭、西班牙、匈牙利、羅馬尼亞、蘇格蘭、俄羅斯和阿塞拜疆。這是歐洲杯歷史上的一項創舉,為更多國家的球迷提供了觀看比賽的機會。
Regional tournaments for national teams existed before the advent of a truly pan-European competition. Starting in 1883, the British Home Championship was an annual competition contested between the United Kingdom’s four national teams, England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland.
Until these national teams entered the FIFA World Cup in 1950, it was the most important international tournament these nations competed in. Similarly, from 1927 until 1960 the Central European International Cup was held six times. It brought together the national teams of Austria, Hungary, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, and Yugoslavia. The idea for a pan-European football tournament was first proposed by the French Football Federation’s secretary-general Henri Delaunay in 1927, but it was not until 1958 that the tournament was started, three years after Delaunay’s death.[6]
In honour of Delaunay, the trophy awarded to the champions is named after him.[7] The 1960 tournament, held in France, had four teams competing in the finals out of 17 that entered the competition.[8] It was won by the Soviet Union, beating Yugoslavia 2–1 in a tense final in Paris.[9] Spain withdrew from its quarter-final match against the Soviet Union because of two political protests.[10] Of the 17 teams that entered the qualifying tournament, notable absentees were England, the Netherlands, West Germany and Italy.
(資料來源 )
歐洲國家盃的比賽形式由兩個階段組成:分組賽和淘汰賽。在分組賽中,參賽隊伍會分為若干小組,進行單循環比賽。小組賽後,每個小組的前兩名以及部分成績較好的第三名球隊會晉級至淘汰賽。 淘汰賽階段包括16強、8強、4強和決賽。球隊逐場比賽,直至最後決出冠軍。淘汰賽的比賽時間若無勝負則進行加時賽,如仍未分出勝負,則進行點球大戰。
歐洲國家盃是全球最高水平的國家隊賽事之一,也是一個具有巨大影響力的足球盛事。這項賽事吸引了來自世界各地的頂尖球員和教練參與,球迷們為了一睹這些巨星在賽場上的風采,不惜越洋越洲前來觀看。 歐洲杯的影響不僅僅局限於足球領域,對於舉辦國家的經濟和旅遊業也有著積極的推動作用。大量的球迷涌入主辦城市,為當地經濟帶來巨大的貢獻。同時,這項賽事也成為廣告商的黃金時機,各大品牌紛紛以冠名贊助或廣告投放的形式參與其中,進一步提升了賽事的影響力和知名度。
The UEFA European Football Championship,[1] less formally the European Championship and informally the Euro, is the primary association football tournament organised by the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA). The competition is contested by UEFA members’ senior men’s national teams, determining the continental champion of Europe.
It is the second-most watched football tournament in the world after the FIFA World Cup. The Euro 2012 final was watched by a global audience of around 300 million.[2] The competition has been held every four years since 1960, except for 2020, when it was postponed until 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe, but kept the name Euro 2020. Scheduled to be in the even-numbered year between FIFA World Cup tournaments, it was originally called the European Nations’ Cup, changing to the current name in 1968. Since 1996, the individual events have been branded as “UEFA Euro [year]”. (資料來源 )